Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pattern to fill collections for Object-relational mapping in C#.Net

Now with generics creating collections is very easy in .Net.
but filling the collections with data has been a repeated coding job always.
This made me write this pattern by which we can create a new collection class in just couple of lines. This uses the same filling method used by ORM (Object-relational mapping ) object.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;

namespace Prashant.Components.DBDataLister

// define a delegate for standard database retrival methods
public delegate IDataReader DBSelect(SearchParams Criteria);

// Interface of ORM
public interface IDBObject
void FillProperties(IDataReader dr);

// Interface of ORM collection
public interface IDBObjectList : System.Collections.IList
IDBObject NewItem();

// This class standizes the parameters for database retrival methods
public class SearchParams : Dictionary < string, string >

// The Collection filler class
internal static class DataLister

// The Fill method: Gets the data from db and fills the collection
// Paramters: 1) The List to fill
2) The method to get the data
3) Criteria for the filtering the data

internal static IDBObjectList FillData(IDBObjectList List,
DBSelect DoSelect, SearchParams Criteria)
IDataReader dr = DoSelect(Criteria);
while (dr.Read())
IDBObject objArr = List.NewItem();
return List;

// End

Now lets see how to use this in the sample below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using Prashant.Components.DBDataLister;

namespace TestProj.Components
// A sample ORM class - for the database table Orders
public class Order : IDBObject // To enforce the FillProperties method
public string OrderNumber
{ get; private set; }
public string OrderDate
{ get; private set; }
public string Customer
{ get; private set; }

public void FillProperties(IDataReader dr)
OrderNumber = (string)dr["OrderNumber"];
OrderDate = (string)dr["OrderDate"];
Customer = (string)dr["Customer"];
// Data service Class/methods for the ORM
public class OrderService
public static IDataReader getOrderData(SearchParams Criteria)
{ // db retivial code goes here ...full code omited
IDataReader dr = DataService.getOrderList(.....);
return dr;

// This is the collection for Orders

public class OrderList : List < Order >, IDBObjectList
public IDBObject NewItem()
return (new Order());

// Returns the filled collection
public static OrderList getList(SearchParams Criteria)
return ((OrderList)DataLister.FillData(new OrderList(),
new DBSelect(OrderService.getOrderData), Criteria));




See the "OrderList" class sample given .
Your gridview cab be bound by

grv.Datasource = OrderList.getList(Criteria);

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